Luca Frati

Luca Frati

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Luca Frati
Painting, Performance, and Writing, Narrative, Poetry

Born 29 of march ‘97, in Gubbio, Italy. Graduated in 2020 from Venice Accademia di belle arti, Visual arts department. Currently at the first year of Ma Visual Arts at Ecal. My practice revolves around drawing, writing, sewing and embroiderying. The word takes an important role in my performance experience, where reading becomes the main way of transmission. I am deeply interested in observing through my work relationships and power dynamics between people. I strongly believe in the magical power of language and traces, you could see the use of words in my work, whether writtend, drawn or sewed or read, as a form of casting and visualizing spells. This does not determine a lack of comprenshion of reality, instead is a way to use the personal and the identity as vessels for political contents.

June 24, 2021
Leman Sevda Daricioglu
June 24, 2021
Lucrezia Testa Iannilli